Wednesday, December 29, 2010

quarterly updates anyone?

apparently i'm going for the quarterly updates on this ol' thing haha.

block 2 ended, thankfully, with a successfully passing grade.

that's not to say there weren't some doubts looming the e.n.t.i.r.e. freaking semester that it wouldn't actually happen that way!

in all my years of schooling, both high school, GCU, and now nursing school, there has never been a rougher, tougher, more emotionally draining semester as this last one. any challenge that could have been thrown at us (computer issues, horrible instructors, poor follow up) was. and even though we were stressed that "flexibility" was the word of our lives now, there was anything BUT flexibility to be handed out to us.

oh well.

the beauty of it all?

it's over.
i passed.
block 3 is around the corner.
and the post before this? about being born for this? still rings as true now as it did then.
in fact. if it's possible?
even truer.

yup. 100% certainty. without hesitation or doubts.

i was born for this.