Wednesday, December 29, 2010

quarterly updates anyone?

apparently i'm going for the quarterly updates on this ol' thing haha.

block 2 ended, thankfully, with a successfully passing grade.

that's not to say there weren't some doubts looming the e.n.t.i.r.e. freaking semester that it wouldn't actually happen that way!

in all my years of schooling, both high school, GCU, and now nursing school, there has never been a rougher, tougher, more emotionally draining semester as this last one. any challenge that could have been thrown at us (computer issues, horrible instructors, poor follow up) was. and even though we were stressed that "flexibility" was the word of our lives now, there was anything BUT flexibility to be handed out to us.

oh well.

the beauty of it all?

it's over.
i passed.
block 3 is around the corner.
and the post before this? about being born for this? still rings as true now as it did then.
in fact. if it's possible?
even truer.

yup. 100% certainty. without hesitation or doubts.

i was born for this.

Friday, August 13, 2010

words o' wisdom

"i am not afraid...i was born to do this"

-st. joan of arc

i hear this quote and relate it to a lot of different areas in life. i think it's something we all can. everyone has their weaknesses, their troubles or challenges, their tribulations. but with the right attitude (and maybe a lil help) anything is possible.

the beauty of this quote is that the emotion attached, in this case fear, is interchangeable.

i am not afraid.
i am not deterred.

i was born for this.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

i'm 1/4 nurse!

hard to believe block 1 has been over for an entire summer, and block 2 is 2 weeks away from beginning.

the journey that has been nursing school has been different than anything i could have thought of. i love it.

there's a level of inner strength i didn't think would need to be as actively present as pens and a stethoscope. the reading, the studying, the learning, the clinical-ing (yup, a real word), the growing, the cramming...all of it.

when i sat in orientation back in january the week before class started, we were told that we wouldn't be the same people we were sitting there that night. at first i didn't believe it. i was told the same thing about my journey at GCU, and while i can see some changes that transpired, i'd say i was relatively the same person upon that graduation.

but this time - this time it's true. only 1/4 of the way through nursing school and i can already tell i'm not the same person i was before i started. i can only imagine how i'll feel in december of 2011.

maybe i'll get better at updating this so it serves its purpose - to be a journal of the path that is nursing school ;)

Friday, February 5, 2010

back from the dead!! .... sort of


that was a major hiatus, i know.

well. let's come full circle, see if you can follow:

left off in october of 2008. was waiting to get into nursing school at chandler/gilbert.

got my interview, was encouraged to take it as i was a certain candidate, and unofficially offered a position in roadways, meaning offered a spot in nursing school that next semester.

i got scared.

turned down said interview, and thought maybe i should take my name out of the database.

temporarily took my name out.

worked at y, loved it. figured i was going to be there forever. (not there, but with the y forever)

began master's program in organizational leadership/non profit management.

see the ymca tie in?

start to hate y.

haphazardly end up on the nursing website.

choose to put myself back in pool.


quit y.

start at the hospital.

must stay in medicine. must.

decide nursing will take far too long; begin investigating surgical tech program in the mean time.

love it. decide that'll do.

watch tuesday after tuesday go by and not receive a "congrats, you're placed" email from nursing.

almost start to forget about it.

december 8, 2009 at miracle mile deli with mom and friend, receive email on phone.

"you've been placed" email in inbox.


january 19th, 2010 - block 1 of nursing school at mesa begins.

flash forward to right now, the present: 48 hours away form FIRST nursing school exam.


ah, the full circle
